Monday, November 11, 2019

Newspaper Homework

1-What percentage of daily circulation is owned by the top three owners?

2-Name the two writers who argue that concentration of ownership decreases quality and choice in newspapers?
Doyle says that too much concentration of media ownership is dangerous as the media has too much power Marxists that the big cooperation dominant which limits choice.

1- Which newspapers no longer has print edition?
In march 2016 the independent stopped print editions of their newspapers. Instead they are fully online newspapers

2- Which new national newspapers have been founded?
The I was founded in 2010 and was a sister newspaper to the independent but it was acquired by Johnston Press in 2016. It is a broadsheet. The sun on Sundays was first founded in 2012. It is a tabloid.

3- What is the general trend in newspaper circulation?
Newspapers has been in decline there has been a weekday circulation drop off 7% and Sunday circulation has dropped by 4%

4- Which genre of newspapers has had the steepest decline - the red-top tabloids, the middle-market newspapers, or the broadsheets?
Broadsheets have had the steepest circulation decline as tabloids sell more print. However, broadsheets get more hits on their websites than tabloid newspapers do.
Here shows the sun as a tabloid the article is called "Terror at teen concert" and this was released in may 2017 when Ariana grande performed live at the Manchester arena in which a terrorist attack occurred when an explosive was set off in the crowd.
The audience this is targeted at is all of the teenagers that are going to concerts and this is because of the dangerous things that can happen in the world so alerts the younger generation to be careful when going to these sorts of concerts.

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