Thursday, October 3, 2019

Boys in the hood

Camera - In the opening of boys in the hood it starts off with straight cuts and this is done so that the audience can get a feeling about the area so that they can see how crime is a common thing in the area that this film is set in. After that the pan left is used so that we follow the boys path so we can get a feel of what it is like to live in their life.360 degree angles are used so that we as an audience can see what the neighborhood is like and get a feeling of suspense to see what the boys are doing and where they are about to go.

Sound - In the opening of the film rap music is played to present the mood and genre of the film. When the camera does a closeup on the stop sign the music stops and this is because they are trying to pot ray a message to the audience without the music being a distraction they only want the audience to focus on the sign rather than the music. However once this camera shot has finished different music is played and this music is played for suspense because the audience does  not know where the boy is about to take his friends so with the music in the background adds suspense on to the scene for affect.

Editing - Various amounts of editing have been used to portray the mood of the scene for example fades have been used to slowly cut between scenes rather than suddenly cut because they dont want to make the audience something is going to happen and it makes the film go slower rather than constantly cutting between scenes which could make the film very jumpy. Sound effects have been added such as the plane engine this is to add effect to the film and make the area seem like a busy and very noisy place to live.

Mise en Scene -  In this film the characters costumes have been carefully chosen to set the right mood of the film for example everyone in all the scenes are wearing street wear and this is done to show the audience the type of people they are and the kind of families that they come from. Props such as police tape have been used to show that in the area where the film has been set to show the audience that crime such as murder is a common thing and nothing surprising for the characters.

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