Thursday, September 12, 2019

Film Poster Distinct-genre

The film wonder is an american film about a young boy who starts his first day at school however he was born with a disease which makes his appearance different to others, as a matter of this he is scared what other people will say or do because he is different to everyone else. The film represents his transition from being shy and lonely to popular and brave because of the amount of support he has by the end of the film


Setting - The setting of this picture sows the audience that the film is going o be about a family who are very close and how the parents are very supportive of their son, maybe because he is going though a hard time. Due to the boy wearing a mask will show the audience that he is a shy person maybe because of his appearance. The way the mother is talking to her son in the cover of this film shows the audience how supportive she is and how she wants to cheer him up and the father standing behind shows he has his families back no matter what happens.

Themes - The theme of transition from Shy to Brave and how the themes change to gain respect from the audience to benefit the director from the clever things he has done. The theme of the boy being lonely sad and emotional.

Icons- What props have been used in this film cove and why are they effective? In this picture the main icon is the space helmet that is worn by the boy, it is effective because it shows the audience a good idea about what the film is going to be about, for example the helmet may show the boy is a shy person and the film is about the boys transition from shy to brave via the support of his parents which is shown by the film cover,

Narrative - In this film i think this film is going to be about a boy who is having a hard time maybe with his confidence however he has a loving family who cares for him who are there to support him. Judging the picture with the icons the helmet is  to cover his face because he does not look like every single person his age and he feels he is different to to the rest.

Characters - In the film poster there are 3 characters the son mother and father these 3 characters have been used to show the audience who the important characters are this is because they want to feel for the younger boy because of how shy he gets when he sees people, the mother has been used as a character on this film poster because it shows the audience how supportive her character is.

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